by Susan Denisi | Nov 1, 2024 | Circuit Breaker, Air FIlter, Drain Pan, Ducts, Furnace, Heating, Power Source, Thermostat, Troubleshooting
If your furnace isn’t turning on, don’t stress! We’ve got some simple troubleshooting steps you can try. With winter here, it’s time for your furnace to shine this season. As a homeowner, there’s nothing worse than anticipating a warm and cozy home only to find out...
by Susan Denisi | Oct 1, 2024 | Air FIlter, Allergens, Bacteria, Contaminants, Dirty Air Filter, Dust, Energy Bills, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, Odors, Pollutants, Seasonal Changes
Air filters play a huge role in your home, so when they are clogged and remain unchanged for long periods of time, it can lead to some pretty scary results! Imagine walking into your home and suddenly sneezing, coughing, and dealing with watery eyes. Oh, the...